Puerto Rico Updates


MARCH 20, 2018
six months after HURRICANE Maria

On Christmas 2009, my grandmother gifted me a handwritten letter that began with the words, "I write to you from Puerto Rico, beloved land where I was born, and by legacy yours as well." After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico – and after several weeks of trying desperately to reach family and friends scattered across the island – I pulled out her letter and reflected on the responsibility of this legacy. I knew then that I needed to relocate permanently to Puerto Rico and dedicate myself to help our people on the island heal and recover. Fortunately, my journey is not one I shared alone.


DECEMBER 29, 2017
Puerto Rico: 100 days after Maria

Thirty five days after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, 85 percent of our American citizens on the island are still without power and most have no water. That’s why we continue to work hard to help Puerto Rico. In fact, over 100,000 of you, from every state and 23 countries have supported the Hispanic Federation Relief Effort.

OCTOBER 24, 2017

Thirty five days after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, 85 percent of our American citizens on the island are still without power and most have no water. That’s why we continue to work hard to help Puerto Rico. In fact, over 100,000 of you, from every state and 23 countries have supported the Hispanic Federation Relief Effort.

OCTOBER 22, 2017

When the Hispanic Federation first began receiving reports of the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria, the news was so disturbing I had to travel to Puerto Rico to assess the situation myself.

I grew up in Toa Alta, just west of San Juan, and experienced several hurricanes first-hand. But the scale of what I saw completely shocked me. Puerto Rico’s communities were dark and silent due to the total collapse of the power grid and telecommunications networks. Countless homes were destroyed, and millions of people needed food and clean water. Even now, a month after the hurricane hit, over one million people do not have access to safe drinking water. It's hard to fathom this reality, let alone experience it.

october 17, 2017
message from josé calderón

The generosity of our community never ceases to amaze me. When we started the UNIDOS campaign for Puerto Rico, I knew that many of you would answer the call to help our families and communities on the island who were devastated by Hurricane Maria. But, never in my wildest dreams, did I expect the kind of response we've received over these past three weeks. Really, it's been nothing short of amazing.

Today, I am proud to announce that with your support we have raised $14 million dollars. That's your generosity at work - along with over 100,000 people from across the country and around the world who have responded to our urgent call to help Puerto Rico during its time of greatest need.

OCTOBER 12, 2017
a message from josé calderón

On September 20th, 2017, everything changed for Puerto Rico. A hurricane of unprecedented strength destroyed much of the island, leaving a great majority of Puerto Ricans without power, access to food, water and communications. And generous people like you stepped up to help.

I’d like to give you a quick update on Puerto Rico, the Hispanic Federation’s UNIDOS Program and how your dollars are at work.